Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Who would have thought this saying would apply wedding decorations! I just coordinated a 270 – person wedding at Mon Cheri in Orange County and the groom and bride actually reused one of their friends’ wedding decorations. So one of the bride’s best friends from college just got married literally two weeks ago, and she had bought all these new candles, real and fake, foliage, a seating chart board, easels, and vases. The bride repurposed all of there candles, placing four small ones on each table, 60 candles on the sweetheart table, and about 20 candles at the check-in table. Each candle, if bought brand new would cost about $3 – 10. The couple saved at least a thousand dollars just off of candles and foliage alone! The days of using real flowers are truly over. Unless you are ready to shell out $10,000 on just flowers that will likely die in a week, and in this heat wave, wilt the next day, fake flowers are going to save you a lot of time, and can be reused. There’s a caterpillar looking vine and floral arrangement that drapes across the sweetheart table beautifully. This, if constructed with real leaves, hydrangea, roses and carnations, can cost $6,000.00 in materials and labor. It must also be broken down into sections and placed in a car to be transported. The foliage that the bride and groom borrowed from their friend is synthetic, foldable, and easy to pack in a car. After an exhausting wedding day, you don’t want to spend any extra time cleaning up the venue. You want to grab and go, head straight for the afterparty. Ask your florist if they can use a combination of real and faux flowers; this should save you money and your guests won’t even be able to tell the difference. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. If you have table numbers, party favors, seating charts boards, or candles left over from your wedding, ask if your friends want to borrow it! Who knows, you may help them out tremendously.